As someone who spends time immersed in nature throughout the year, I rarely find moments to completely liberate my mind and simply embrace the moment.
One early autumn day, seeking a respite from the daily hustle and bustle, I ventured
to the Taisetsuzan Mountain Range to recharge my spirit. Surrounded by the crisp,
clear air of the canyon, I cast my tenkara fishing line into the mountain streams,
hoping to catch the elusive Oshorokoma, a type of char native to Hokkaido.
Enthralled by the joy of catching and releasing these beautiful fish, I found myself
smiling, completely absorbed in the moment.
While wandering through the woods, I came across a cluster of natural honey
mushrooms, one of nature’s many treasures. Simply observing mushrooms can be
fascinating, and the combination of stream fishing and discovering these woodland
treasures filled my heart with joy and excitement.